Propagation of Garcinia kola (Heckel) by stem and root cuttings

Kouakou Kouakou, Jonas Dao, Kouadio Kouassi, Manehonon Beugré, Mongomaké Koné, Jean-Pierre Baudoin, Irié Zoro Bi
2016 Silva Fennica  
Highlights • Roots and branches cuttings from mature forest trees are difficult to sprout. • The highest mean numbers of roots and buds produced were obtained with softwood cuttings. • The aqueous IBA treatment was more effective than the powder in promoting rooting and root development. • Non-mist poly-propagator gave the best propagation results. • Seedling stockplants cut above node 1 promoted most vigorous shoots production.
doi:10.14214/sf.1588 fatcat:kwzanvyrhrhcrnubenw57nagw4