Analyzing the Key Escrow Problem in Identity Based Cryptography and Security Notions of Key Management Techniques

G Sumalatha, D Murthy
2017 International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJIACS   unpublished
Identity-based cryptosystem has been the most active research area in cryptographic society. In such system, Public keys are some attribute of a user's identity, such as an email address, phone number, or social security number. ID-based cryptosystems have many advantages over PKI based cryptosystems in key distribution, but they also have an inherent drawback of key escrow problem, i.e. users' private keys are known to the key generation center (KGC). Therefore secure key issuing (SKI) is an
more » ... portant issue in ID-based cryptography (IBC). In this paper, we survey some important key issuing protocols in identity based cryptographic schemes and subsequently we analyze the key escrow problem in Identity based cryptosystems.