An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Chemical Particle Fractional Collection Efficiency in Cyclone

2014 Asian Journal of Chemistry  
Cyclone separators are still one of the most widely used of all industrial dusts from air or process gases, also provide simple to construct and is very low in first costs compared with other types of dust collecting equipments. In this study, a highly effective cyclone system was produced that could operate under operational condition of high temperature and high pressure in order to exclusively apply cyclone to collecting dust of integrated coal gasification cycle and pressurized fluidized
more » ... combustion combined cycle and an experiment to measure the dust-collection efficiency of cyclone system and its pressure drop was executed. In addition, this study reviewed the possibility of optimized design of a high-temperature and high-pressure cyclone system through comparing the result of the experiment and the result of numerical analysis of 3-D flow analysis, dust-collection efficiency and prediction on the behavoiur of dust particles.
doi:10.14233/ajchem.2014.17716 fatcat:ltr2g4ht3fginiijfoxlzoxeuu