Study on Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Algorithm Based on DV-Hop

Die Hu, GuangCong Liu, He Li
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 2nd Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications   unpublished
In the DV-Hop localization algorithm of wireless sensor networks, positioning error of the unknown node is larger if it obtain the average hop distance from the nearest anchor nodes.In order to improve the positioning accuracy of the node, this paper improves the DV-Hop algorithm. The improvement of thought is two correction of the average hop distance.The simulation results show that compared with the traditional DV-Hop algorithm, the improved algorithm can improve the positioning accuracy of
more » ... he nodes, and the positioning error is reduced about 10%.
doi:10.2991/wartia-16.2016.194 fatcat:7mhg32fz65ae5knjryh5ebn4ku