
1986 Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS)  
is being cosponsored by Brazilian Meteorological Society (SBMET), Argentinean Center of Meteorologists (CAM) and the American Meteorological Society (AMS). The purpose of the Congress is to bring together an International group for an interchange of ideas on current research in weather forecasting and to outline present and future needs of this technology in the South American countries. All sessions will be held at FUNCEP (Training Center for Civil Service) SAIS, area #1, Brasilia, Brazil.
more » ... RUMENTAL EXHIBITS Commercial exhibits of meteorological instruments will be on display during the Congress. Those interested in displaying equipment should contact the Organizing Committee in Brasilia, Brazil. PAPERS PRESENTATION In addition to papers relating to the general theme, sessions will be held on other aspects of meteorology depending on contributions. The deadline for abstracts has passed. Authors of accepted abstracts will receive instructions concerning data and time of presentation. The deadline for papers is 31 August 1986. The full papers are limited to a maximum of six pages in order to be included in the Congress Proceedings. Extended papers can be submitted to Brazilian Meteorological Journal. The official languages of the Congress are Portuguese, Spanish and English. Fifteen minutes will be assigned for a paper presentation.
doi:10.1175/1520-0477-67.7.887 fatcat:qbmpzyqi4zcjxh2svxgoj3xeja