Nanomaterials for cancer medication: from individual nanoparticles toward nanomachines and nanorobots

Alexandre Loukanov, Svetla Nikolova, Chavdar Filipov, Seiichiro Nakabayashi
2019 Farmatsiia  
The nanomaterials for cancer medication are already reality providing a wide range of new tools and possibilities, from earlier diagnostics and improved imaging to better, more efficient, and more targeted anticancer therapies. The purpose of this critical review is to focus on the current use of clinically approved nanoparticles for cancer theranostic, nanovaccines and delivery platforms for gene therapy. These include inorganic, metal and polymer nanoparticles, nanocrystals and varieties of
more » ... ug delivery nanosystems (micelles, liposomes, microcapsules and etc.). The recent progress in cancer nanomedicine enables to combine the benefits of individual nanoparticles with biomolecules into a multifunction nanomachines and even highly advanced nanorobots for targeted therapies. Nowadays clinical trials with advanced anticancer nanomachines provide potential for more accurately and effective identification and destruction of the cancer cells present in the human body.
doi:10.3897/pharmacia.66.e37739 fatcat:c4h5ze6hhbcj7dt5jmjmgwfn4i