Bruneau Dunes tiger beetle inventory : final report for Challenge Cost Share Project: D010-P3-0097 / [book]

Charles W. Baker
1994 unpublished
PLATES 30 SUMMARY OF UNITS OF ACCOMPLISHMENT 43 ACKNOWLEGMENTS 44 LITERATURE CITED 45 APPENDIX 46 which time the burrow is periodically excavated to a larger size and depth (Bauer 1991). Piles of small balls of excavated material are a great aid in finding these burrows which otherwise blend very well with the background, especially when the head capsule of the waiting larva fills the burrow opening (Plate 6). This study had two major objectives: 1 to determine the distribution of Cicindela
more » ... icola at this time within Owyhee County. 2. to estimate the size of the population of £. arenicola at Bruneau Dunes State Park. OBJECTIVE ONE : DISTRIBUTION OF CICINDELA ARENICOLA IN OWYHEE COUNTY A few specimens of a related species, Cicindela tranquebarica . were also collected at this site. Larval habitat for £. tranquebarica is found within this dune system where the wind has exposed an area of saline clay substrate with a high soil moisture level. This was the only other species of tiger beetle collected on the visits to the Windmill Site this year. Photographs of this site are provided in the appendix.
doi:10.5962/bhl.title.63317 fatcat:o7cxsy77ybhhdloumln2i5yuzi