20715 Production of stem cell-based self-assembled tissues cultured under cyclic strain on elastic plates
20715 弾性培養基板を用いた動的ひずみ環境下における幹細胞自己生成組織の作製

Wataru YANAGITA, Yuki TANI, Kei OYA, Kota KOIZUMI, Norimasa NAKAMURA, Hiromiti FUJIE
2015 The Proceedings of Conference of Kanto Branch  
Steam cell ・ based self −assembled tissue ( scSAr ) bio−syn 血 esized 丘om synovi 一 drived mesenchymal stem cell had a great potential f () r the repair and regeneration ofbiological so 丘 tissues . However, the mechanical prope而 es of the scSAT were insuMcient f {) r clinical applica 価on . A candidate solution to the problem is to promote the gerreration ofthe extracellular matrix in止 e scSAr culturing under cyclic strain . in the present stUdy , an elastio tissue cultUre plate was designed and 亘
more » ... ocal strain of the plate was investigated . And mesenchymal stem cells were cultured in 血 e presence of ascorbic acid fbr 14days on the elastio plates , then cu 苴 tUred under cyclic 5 ・ 6% strai皿 at 1! 30 H 乞, 7 ・ 9% strain at l18 Hz or Static culture fbr 14days . Results revealed that the each area strain of elastic tissue culture plate was homogeneous until I5% strah1 . And , scSAT cUltUred under large cyclic strain became 血 er and tensile streng 血 was lower . However , tensile strength ofscSAT cultured under small strain tended to be higher. Key Mords : Stem cell based self −assembled tissue ( scSAr ) , Mesenchymal stem cell , Cyclic strain , Elastic plate 1. 緒言
doi:10.1299/jsmekanto.2015.21._20715-1_ fatcat:hvi4lzktnnc7zcatrnmmvmcsmi