Experimental studies of the NaCs 53Π0 and 1(a)3Σ+ states

S. Ashman, B. McGeehan, C. M. Wolfe, C. Faust, K. Richter, J. Jones, A. P. Hickman, J. Huennekens
2012 Journal of Chemical Physics  
We report high resolution measurements of 372 NaCs 5 3 0 (v, J) ro-vibrational level energies in the range 0 ≤ v ≤ 22. The data have been used to construct NaCs 5 3 0 potential energy curves using the Rydberg-Klein-Rees and inverted perturbation approximation methods. Bound-free 5 3 0 (v, J) → 1(a) 3 + emission has also been measured, and is used to determine the repulsive wall of the 1(a) 3 + state and the 5 3 0 → 1(a) 3 + relative transition dipole moment function. Hyperfine structure in the
more » ... 3 0 state has not been observed in this experiment. This null result is explained using a simple vector coupling model. Autoscan Computer Autoscan C M Ring Dye Laser Krypton Ion Laser M Ch BS Argon Ion Laser Ti:Sapphire Laser Computer L J = 29 J = 31 J = 28 J = 29 J = 30 J = 28 J = 29 J = 30 J = 27 pump (scanned) collisional lines J = 28 J = 29 J = 30 J = 27 J = 31 J = 27 J = 28 J = 29
doi:10.1063/1.3689388 pmid:22443770 fatcat:fsggoazrjna7pfbkkcogy6v3wa