Ion beam induced strain relaxation in pseudomorphous epitaxial SiGe layers

A.F. Vyarkin, V.S. Avrutin, N.F. Izyumskaya, V.K. Egorov, V.V. Starkov, V.I. Zinenko, I.A. Smirnova, P.L.F. Hemment, A. Nejim, V.I. Vdovin, T.G. Yugova
2000 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings. Ion Implantation Technology - 2000 (Cat. No.00EX432)  
Abstracr-The effects of irradiation with Ge' and Ar' ions at elevated temperatures on the relaxation behavior of pseudomorphic Si""Ge,l.,JSi heterostructures have been compared. I t was found the strain relaxation in the structures implanted with Ge' at 4OOOC started already upon implantation. Post-implantation thermal annealing of this sample resulted in considerably higher degree of relaxation than that in control (non-implanted) samples as well as in samples implanted with Ar' both at 230
more » ... 400°C and with Ge' at 230OC. This result points to a dramatic influence of both the implantation temperature and ion species on relaxation behavior of the ion-irradiated heterostructure. Two possible mechanisms for this effect are discussed.
doi:10.1109/.2000.924092 fatcat:pp7yf3wd5bgf3gx5jwrg32hi7e