Studies on Venturi Scrubber Performance and Efficiency- A Review

M. Avinasilingam, S. Gopalsamy
2022 Zenodo  
The Venturi scrubbers are utilized to separate the fine particulate matters escaped from the furnace during casting process. The Venturi scrubber has large pressure drop. Therefore, it consume large amount of power, and increases the functioning cost of the plant. The effectiveness of the scrubber was affected due to its large pressure drop. In past decades, many researchers attempted to find the suitable parameters and methodologies to reduce the pressure drop. In this study, a literature
more » ... was conducted related to pressure drop, efficiency of scrubber, turbulence models applied and alteration in geometrical parameters in previous studies. In addition, a summary was provided related to performance Venturi scrubber.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7046028 fatcat:3uh4nijfubfshn7q2zqqabkfte