Smart-Mesh Strategy in DGTD Method for Partially Filled Cavity with Uncertain Interface Parameters

H.P. Li, I. Hussain, Y. Wang, Q. S. Cao
2020 Radioengineering  
To achieve high quality localization of nodes, a smart-mesh strategy is employed in the discontinuous Galerkin time-domain (DGTD) simulation. The strategy is able to adjust adaptively the nodes defined on the unstructured triangular element in real-time simulation, thus an arbitrary or uncertain shaped object can be modeled accurately. The benefits of smart-mesh strategy are demonstrated for a partially dielectric filled cavity with microscale random material height and uncertain rough
more » ... . Numerical experiments show that the smart-mesh approach can capture fine structural information and achieve more effective positions to match variable shapes.
doi:10.13164/re.2020.0101 fatcat:4y5stan3hzahnlrqpd3odks45i