Front propagation and critical gradient transport models

X. Garbet, Y. Sarazin, F. Imbeaux, P. Ghendrih, C. Bourdelle, Ö. D. Gürcan, P. H. Diamond
2007 Physics of Plasmas  
This paper analyzes the properties of a two-field critical gradient model that couples a heat equation to an evolution equation for the turbulence intensity. It is shown that the dynamics of a perturbation is ballistic or diffusive depending on the shape of the pulse and also on the distance of the temperature gradient to the instability threshold. This dual character appears in the linear response of this model for a wave packet. It is recovered when investigating the nonlinear solutions of
more » ... s system. Both self-similar diffusive fronts and ballistic fronts are shown to exist. When the propagation is ballistic, it is found that the front velocity is the geometric mean between the turbulent diffusion coefficient and a microinstability growth rate.
doi:10.1063/1.2824375 fatcat:v7znnrv5crborixlmzjeqcq534