Sustainable Living: Bridging the North-South Divide in Lifestyles and Consumption Debates

Bronwyn Hayward, Joyashree Roy
2019 Annual Review Environment and Resources  
This article presents a critical assessment of the literature on sustainable consumption in the global North and South, in the context of accelerated and megascale transitions that are needed across all human activities, in ways that "leave no one behind," as envisaged in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It challenges two dominant, related research foci: an emphasis on the individual and individual aspirations of the good life, and the policy incrementalism of rational,
more » ... cological modernization. Although conceding individuals must act consciously to advance sustainability, nuanced interpretations of collective sustainable living rarely feature in mainstream research. Discussion highlights values of extended family, tribe and community solidarity, and human and nonhuman interrelationships for harmonious, peaceful, spiritual, and material coexistence. Concepts such as Ahimsa (India), Buen Vivir (South America), Ubuntu (Africa), Hauora (New Zealand), or Shiawase and Ikigai (Japan), for example, can enrich understandings of sustainable living as long-term collective action for sustainable development and reducing climate change. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Environment and Resources Volume 44 is October 17, 2019. Please see for revised estimates.
doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-101718-033119 fatcat:n55srt5tmzf2bgwx6n4zomyf5m