Possible Relation between the NOS3 Gene GLU298ASP Polymorphism and Bladder Cancer in Turkey

Levent Verim, Bahar Toptas, Nazli Ezgi Ozkan, Canan Cacina, Saime Turan, Gurbet Korkmaz, Ilhan Yaylim
2013 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention  
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), encoded by the NOS3 gene, has been suggested to play an important role in uncontrolled cell growth in several cancer types. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of the NOS3 Glu298Asp polymorphism in bladder cancer susceptibility in a Turkish population. We determined the genotypes of 66 bladder cancer cases and 88 healthy controls. Genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. A
more » ... significant association for NOS3 Glu298Asp heterozygotes genotypes and T allele were found between healthy controls and bladder cancer, respectively (p<0.001: p=0.002). There were no significant associations between any genotypes and the stage, grade, and histological type of bladder cancer. Our study suggested an increased risk role of NOS3 GT genotype in bladder cancer susceptibility in our Turkish population.
doi:10.7314/apjcp.2013.14.2.665 fatcat:eikgorcxufgjfj4vlqgose5dxy