Producing of a Bathymetric Map in İyidere-Of Region
İyidere-Of Bölgesi Batimetrisinin Hazırlanması

Servet KARASU, Emre OTAY, Harun KARAMAN, Ergun UZLU, Murat CAN, Şaban E. KARTAL, Yusuf CEYLAN
2015 Harita Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi  
Eastern Black Sea Region has a strategic importance with its location in the corridor of Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Completion of Ovit Tunnel will provide advantages on North-South cargo freight movement and especially Iran's transit cargo. Significant portion of Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP)'s products will be taken to the world markets thanks to port which is planning in İyidere-Of region. Ongoing road constructions will also provide transportation to the Black Sea for our
more » ... ors in the East and Middle East. This port will provide exports and imports of these countries. The harbor which will be built in the region will be the closest harbor to be opened to foreign markets for the city of Tabriz in Iran. This port is expected to make a major contribution to our economy. In this study, bathymetry studies were carried out in the related region in order to determine the location of the port. All depth values are integrated to Turkey's National Vertical Control Network (TUDKA) regardless of the water level. 235 kHz frequency of Ohmex SonarMite /BTX Singlebeam Echosounder and Topcon HiPer V GNSS are used for depth measurements and positioning respectively. Sound propagation velocity is measured in the water with AML Oceanographic instrument in order to ensure high accuracy. Positioning and depth data are collected by the Kordil Navigation program. Data were evaluated and images were prepared by using PDS2000 program.
doi:10.15659/hartek.15.03.65 fatcat:ur6ecslahrbgla6pl7z5hcntmi