A method of using geomagnetic anomaly to recognize objects based on HOG and 2D-AVMD
Jianyong Zheng, Hongbo Fan, Gang Yin, Zhining Li
AIP Advances
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... /1.5087228 AIP Advances ARTICLE scitation.org/journal/adv ABSTRACT In order to identify the shape of underground small magnetic anomaly objects, we use Support Vector Machines (SVM) to identify the underground magnetic anomaly targets. Firstly, as the SVM needs a lot of training data, and we also need to make full use of the magnetic field signal, nine component signals including total magnetic intensity (TMI) and five independent components of tensor are calculated from the original detected magnetic signal. Secondly, the nine component signals are subjected respectively to two-dimensional adaptively variational mode decomposition (2D-AVMD), which is advanced based on the two indicators, namely Mutual information (MI) and empirical entropy (EE), and we can get the nine primary signals from the decomposition results of nine component signals called the Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF). Then, the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) of the nine primary signals is extracted, and the feature data would be constructed into feature vectors. In the end, Support Vector Machines (SVM) are adopted to process these feature vectors. The output of the SVM can indicate the result of small objects' shape recognition under the ground. Experiments prove that the shape recognition accuracy of underground small magnetic anomaly object recognition reaches 90%. 9, 075015-1 FIG. 5. When K=3, the IMFs of 2D-VMD and correspondent power spectrum. 1) The signal before decomposed. 2) The IMF1 signal after decomposed. 3) The IMF2 signal after decomposed. 4) The IMF3 signal after decomposed. a) the 2D image of the 4 signals. b) the power spectrum of the 4 signals.