What Has Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Revealed Regarding the Neurobehavioral Correlates of Sleep Deprivation?

Michael WL Chee
2010 US Neurology  
A night of total sleep deprivation can result in performance decline in several cognitive domains. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) hashelped to reveal the neuroanatomical correlates of such changes in attention and memory, as well as in risky decision-making. Studies of sleepdeprivation have shed light on the role of sleep in the consolidation of declarative memory, which can be observed in the form of temporally specificchanges in hippocampal and neocortical activation. Sleep
more » ... vation can also be thought of as a cognitive 'stress test' that may afford testing ofcognitive enhancers.
doi:10.17925/usn.2010.05.02.93 fatcat:iyjyicsmbffxndkbaujrymrx5u