Dr. K.Somasekhar
2021 EPRA international journal of multidisciplinary research  
Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept where by industries to take care of the Society interests in every aspect. The objective of the CSR is to improve the standards of living while preserving the profitability of the corporation for its stake holders both within the and outside the industry. In the recent years the concept of corporate social responsibility is spreading very rapidly in India at all the sectors. Corporate social responsibility is to contribute towards the society while
more » ... rking with in ethics. In developing countries like India. Industries plays a very important role in upgrading the economy of the country not only by producing products but also by imposing a new practice called social responsibility (CSR). In the global economy the link between industries and government has been growing. Business is an inseparable and embedded part of the society. Corporate social responsibility is an evolving a number of internal and external policies and practices right from the place where they work to the community, the environment and beyond. In the present scenario, there is need to take new initiatives and adopt new policies taking into consideration of the industry history towards sustained environmental, Social and Economic growth.
doi:10.36713/epra7493 fatcat:fkivcs4s5fc37hbgk2waqx6fee