An Internet of Things: The Next Expansion of Mobile Education

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
This paper aims to mobile education. This is focus on using a mobile application during session of lesson. Therefore, they need to understand the flow of application with schedule class by a week on times. The class will be on the online distance learning for the students and instructors to conducted. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new design in the world for the internet devices to connected life in new environment of networking. In fact, there are need to develop a smart network for the
more » ... technology in world to enhance the knowledge of digital technology. However, the paper was improved the application used in the mobile education for students and instructors in University. Thus, current research on software development on mobile application for educator is limited to readiness and awareness. This research extends the need for empirical findings from system analyst and top management of software development to enhance the education concept of digital contents to the online distance learning for enriching future technology in mobile education.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b1173.0982s919 fatcat:llba2qwtqvgyvbdbfepnbp2l6u