The Internet Archive has a preservation copy of this work in our general collections.
Dr. Skinner's Catalogue of North American Butterflies.Contributions to the Theory of Warning Colours and Mimicry—By Frank Finn, B. A., F. Z. S., Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. (Reprint from the Journal, Asiatic Society of Bengal.) Vols. LXIV., LXV., LXVI., LXVII., Part II., 1895–1897
Canadian Entomologist
Oue of the mosl $'orrfiue things al1 entomologisc has to put up rvith is that after carefullv making a collcction his most valued specimells are nearlv eaterr alav, either n'itJ'r mites ol tlic Dcrmestes beetle.