Verifiable Essential Secret Image Sharing with Multiple Decryptions

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
We know that the essential secret image sharing (ESIS) scheme differs from traditional visual secret sharing with respect to the essentiality of the shares. In ESIS, to reconstruct the secret image, threshold number of the shares are required which includes all the essential shares. All the shares are very sensitive because it carries the secret information. Hence, reliability and authenticity of the shares before the decoding of the secret image are required which prevents a participant from
more » ... tentionally or unintentionally to provide invalid shares. Proposed method is a novel verifiable essential secret image sharing (VESIS) with multiple decryption. Multiple decryption means that the decoding and verification process is done by human visual system as well as by EX-ORing the shares. Apart from this, proposed scheme also eliminates unnecessary encryption constraints of VSS like pixel expansion, explicit codebook and the number of the participants and it is also required simple computation and O(k) complexity for the decoding process.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b2424.078219 fatcat:pzwtx4d5dfdc3pggmmikjxe42i