Crop-research Generated Technology and Its Impact on Crop-sector in Bangladesh

International Journal Of Business, Social And, Research Issn
Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res   unpublished
This study has been taken to analyze the performance of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by crop-sector due to utilize modern technology in Bangladesh. The growth of both GDP and crop-research investment is estimated mainly based on secondary data. The result of Chow Test under Structural Change Approach indicates there is a positive impact of crop-research generated technology on GDP by crop-sector in Bangladesh. The annual growth of Tk. 13.11 million of crop-research investment at Bangladesh
more » ... ultural Research Institute (BARI) is able to increase the crop production. Consequently GDP increased by Tk. 13,441 million per year by which saved annually Tk. 7,749 million of crop import costing. Therefore, extra more amount of crop-research investment is needed for further development in Bangladesh crop-sector.