Hybrid PV-Wind-Battery Based System for Household Applications Using DC-DC Converter

S.P. Thiruvad, S. Bhuvaneshwari
2017 International Journal of MC Square Scientific Research  
In this project, a control strategy for power flow management of a grid-connected hybrid PV-wind-battery based system with an efficient multi-input transformer coupled bidirectional dc-dc converter is presented. The proposed system aims to satisfy the load demand, manage the power flow from different sources, inject surplus power into the grid and charge the battery from grid as and when required. A transformer coupled boost half-bridge converter is used to harness power from wind, while
more » ... tional buck-boost converter is used to harness power from PV along with battery charging/discharging control. A single-phase full-bridge bidirectional converter is used for feeding ac loads and interaction with grid. The proposed converter architecture has reduced number of power conversion stages with less component count, and reduced losses compared to existing grid-connected hybrid systems. This improves the efficiency and reliability of the system.
doi:10.20894/ijmsr. fatcat:3r2lsb6y35fmzmnvs5fx5v3kqu