First point measurements of ice-sheet thickness change in Antarctica

Gordon S. Hamilton, Ian M. Whillans, Peter J. Morgan
1998 Annals of Glaciology  
Ice-sheet thickening or thinning rates in Antarctica are measured using the "coffee-can" or "submergence velocity" method. in this, repeated measurements of the positions of firn anchors are obtained using the global positioning system (GPS). The thickness change is (lie difference between vertical velocity so obtained and long-term rate of snow accumulation. Minor corrections for firn settling and downslopc motion are made. The technique avoids difficulties of short-term fluctuations in
more » ... l or snow den-sification. The result for Byrd Station is near balance, -0.004 (0.022) ma−1, and for the Dragon, just outboard of Ice Stream B, thinning at -0.096 (0.044) ma−1. Uncertainties with these first results are mainly due to the short occupation times during the first GPS surveys.
doi:10.3189/1998aog27-1-125-129 fatcat:eov5yjui5bfdpcq23dxsieyy7i