Multiple-View Active Learning for Environmental Sound Classification

Yan Zhang, Danjv Lv, Yili Zhao
2016 International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)  
<p class="Abstract">Multi-view learning with multiple distinct feature sets is a rapid growing direction in machine learning with boosting the performance of supervised learning classification under the case of few labeled data. The paper proposes Multi-view Simple Disagreement Sampling (MV-SDS) and Multi-view Entropy Priority Sampling (MV-EPS) methods as the selecting samples strategies in active learning with multiple-view. For the given environmental sound data, the CELP features in 10
more » ... ions and the MFCC features in 13 dimensions are two views respectively. The experiments with a single view single classifier, SVML, MV-SDS and MV-EPS on the environmental sound extracted two of views, CELP &amp; MFCC are carried out to illustrate the results of the proposed methods and their performances are compared under different percent training examples. The experimental results show that multi-view active learning can effectively improve the performance of classification for environmental sound data, and MV-EPS method outperforms the MV-SDS.</p><div> </div>
doi:10.3991/ijoe.v12i12.6458 fatcat:yp6zfwf6gna25famcv4ersr3ue