Slag as an Inventory Material for Heat Storage in a Concentrated Solar Tower Power Plant: Design Studies and Systematic Comparative Assessment

Michael Krüger, Jürgen Haunstetter, Philipp Knödler, Stefan Zunft
2019 Applied Sciences  
By using metallurgical slag from an electric arc furnace that is otherwise not recycled but deposited as an inventory material in thermal energy storage for concentrated solar power plants, it is possible to make a significant step forward in two transformation processes: energy and raw materials. As this type of slag has not been considered as an inventory material for this purpose, it is important to clarify fundamental questions about this low-cost material and its storage design. In this
more » ... er, design studies of slag-based thermal energy storage are carried out. Different slag-specific design concepts are developed, calculated and evaluated by a method based on established management tools. Finally, concepts for further investigations are defined. The highest aptitude value and the lowest risk value are achieved by the vertical storage design with axial flow direction. Therefore, it is taken as the lead concept and will be considered in complete detail in further research. Also, a closer look, but not as detailed as the lead concept, is taken at the horizontal storage with axial flow and the vertical storage with radial flow direction.
doi:10.3390/app9091833 fatcat:5rghw5fr3jfahiyai23f2s3yey