Books Received

1917 Nature  
NATURE Sir George Greenhill : The Rankine. trochoidal wave. The Rankine trochoidal wave (Ph1l. Trans .. , . I863), either as rollers or as a starting wave, ca n be d1v1de;l up bv vertical plane s perpendicular to the \Vave crest mto compartments, and the . sheared along each other. The invest1gat1on 1s m ade of the field of force in addition to gra vity when the. shear !S rriargc acquire when rubbed togdher! 1s trustworthy w1th due precaution s. (2) Most sohds are found to their place in . series. if heated above . a certm:n
doi:10.1038/099420a0 fatcat:lmn2fj5dcjhw3dxinrny4tq4oe