Study on a method for evaluating strength and effects of countermeasure of Block Type Collapse Direction Control Structure

Daisuke Ishikawa, Kimitoshi Sakai, Akihiro Toyooka
2021 Kozo Kogaku Ronbunshu. A (Journal of Structural Engineering. A)  
† (公財)鉄道総合技術研究所,構造物技術研究部 建築(〒185-0034 東京都国分寺市光町 2-8-38) *博(工) , (公財)鉄道総合技術研究所,地震工学研究センター 地震応答制御 (〒185-0034 東京都国分寺市光町 2-8-38) As one of countermeasures to realize viaducts superior in the Anti-Catastrophe, Collapse Direction Control Devise (CDC devise) has been proposed. The devise is used to control directions of the final collapse of viaducts to designated ways. In this paper, we propose a method for evaluating quantitative effects of the countermeasure of the devise based on a multitude of
more » ... amic analyses. By the method, it becomes possible simply and quantitatively to evaluate effects in proportion to strength of the devises and to determine specifications of the devises to produce designated effects. Furthermore, in this paper, it is verified that the devise becomes more effective in proportion to stiffness and toughness of the devise and in inverse proportion to the distance between a pillar and the devise.
doi:10.11532/structcivil.67a.152 fatcat:kv5ggqswvbgxpexkg3bzazearm