Stress, motivation, satisfaction, and learning achievement: A case study

Widya Addiarto, Yulia Rachmawati Hasanah
2022 Bali Medical Journal  
Currently, the coronavirus (Covid-19) is still a global problem that is felt by various countries in the world, including Indonesia. The occurrence of this epidemic greatly affected all sectors of human life, one of which was in the education sector where there was a changing the learning process from face-to-face to an online learning system. The implementation of online learning turned out to have a considerable impact on students, especially nursing students, one of which was the emergence
more » ... academic stress that was felt during the learning process. This study aimed to determine the correlation between academic stress due to online learning and the motivation, satisfaction and learning achievement of nursing students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This study uses a descriptive correlative method with a cross-sectional approach. Researchers distributed online questionnaires to 259 respondents, namely active nursing students who carried out online learning. Then the data obtained were analyzed by researchers univariately to determine the distribution and frequency distribution and bivariate test using somersd and lambda to determine the correlation of each variable with academic stress. Results: The results showed that there was a significant correlation between age (ρ=0.001), gender (ρ=0.005), grade education (ρ=0.048), learning understanding (ρ=0.000), and academic stress while the variable of media use did not correlate with academic stress (ρ=. In addition, academic stress is also correlated with variable satisfaction (ρ=0.041), and motivation (ρ=0.002) and is not correlated with learning achievement (ρ=0.388). Conclusions: The current Covid-19 pandemic situation has greatly impacted the teaching and learning process, especially the emergence of academic stress, and decreased motivation and learning satisfaction of nursing students. This condition will become serious if each variable that is correlated with academic stress is not handled properly.
doi:10.15562/bmj.v11i3.3553 fatcat:lali46z46zayxiimaxjurxmte4