Environmental Approach To Design Organization of Natural Landscape (On the Example of Protected Areas of Russia)
Средовой подход в дизайн-организации природного ландшафта (на примере особо охраняемых природных территорий)

Natalia Vladimirovna Baburova
2020 Interactive science  
The article discusses the general issues of design organization of the natural landscape on the example of protected areas of Russia, as well as various factors influencing the design process. The zoning of the natural landscape of protected areas is considered (a set of functional zones in connection with the status and type of protected area). Natural factors (the nature of the landscape) are of particular importance in an environmental, systematic approach to designing in protected areas.
doi:10.21661/r-541259 fatcat:a36julcdnraqziyxc6bgqnqnfu