Design and evaluation of sustainable low-temperature desalination systems

Veera Gnaneswar Gude, Edith Martinez-Guerra
2016 Proceedings of The 1st International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences   unpublished
The need for freshwater can never be overstressed. Global agencies (including WHO, 7 UNDP, UNICEF etc.) expect that 24 of the least developed countries need to improve their basic 8 health, sanitation, and welfare. Desalination of available brackish or seawater sources is an ideal 9 option for freshwater production. However, existing desalination technologies are energy-intensive 10 and cost-prohibitive. This research article presents the evolution of an energy-efficient low 11 temperature
more » ... ination process operated under natural vacuum created by barometric head. 12 Principles of operation, theoretical analyses and experimental studies are discussed in detail with a 13 brief overview of relevant research by other researchers. 14
doi:10.3390/ecws-1-d005 fatcat:owrfk6lmmbhmlfaphhoe5yefdy