Design of the mobile-robot-based surveillance system on university campuses to reduce the effects of COVID-19 pandemic

Xuan-Quy Dao, Viet Thanh Cao, Linh Thi Kim Linh, Duc Ngoc Trinh
2021 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering  
This paper introduces a new surveillance system to detect wearing-mask and monitor social distancing and body temperature to reduce the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on university campuses. This surveillance system was designed and implemented to SunBot, an autonomous mobile, based on hardware including Jetson Nano, camera, and thermal camera, and open-source software including OpenCV, YOLOv3, MobilNetv2, TensorFlow, Keras. Both hardware and software are basic, simple to deploy, and
more » ... e cost. Experimental results showed that the surveillance system deployed on university campuses to reduce the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic worked as expected.
doi:10.15439/2021r4 dblp:conf/rice/DaoCLT21 fatcat:oluokwxke5b5rp225ybhrlmqai