Silhouette-based features for visible-infrared registration

Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Pier-Luc St-Onge, Romain Garnier
2011 CVPR 2011 WORKSHOPS  
We study the registration problem for infrared-visible stereo pairs. Given the properties of infrared and visible images that make them mostly similar near boundaries, we propose a method to extract keypoints on the boundary and on the skeleton of a region of interest (ROI). We show that our keypoints may be applied for partial image ROI and global registration either for videos or for still images given that the ROI silhouette is detected. In experiments, we show that our method gives better
more » ... sults than other classic keypoints and it gives results that are close to a state-of-the-art global registration trajectory-based method that uses temporal information.
doi:10.1109/cvprw.2011.5981676 dblp:conf/cvpr/BilodeauSG11 fatcat:4m7t3twm6zdmznjszrw4a3rhha