Ergonomic study on carrying of cooking instruments
調理動作の人間工学的研究 運搬動作の解析

Tsuyoshi HORIO, Yojiro KAWAMURA
1996 The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  
In order to examine the burden of a body in workers of school and hospital for making mass meals, the carrying of a large cooking instruments was evaluated in healthy university students. The heavy pot showed the long carrying time, especially from a table to a high shelf. Though EMG amplitude of Musculus (M.) elector spinae, M. rectus femoris and M. tibialis anterior was not related with the weight of pots, that of M. flexor digitorum superficialis, M. flexor carpi radialis, M, biceps brachii,
more » ... M. deltoideus and M. trapezius was higher in the heavy pot than in the light one. The EMG amplitude showed smaller in perpendicularly directed carrying than in horizontally directed one. In horizontally directed carrying, the EMG amplitude of upper arm and shoulder was not different between high-high and low-low carrying, but that of the wrist and finger muscles showed smaller in low-low carrying than in high-high one. These results suggested the burden for the body in carrying the large cooking instruments was different in the carrying direction and location.
doi:10.5100/jje.32.51 fatcat:7bag4xvd6req3k3rixemkj6cty