Provenance in Scientific Workflow Systems

Susan B. Davidson, Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Anat Eyal, Bertram Ludäscher, Timothy M. McPhillips, Shawn Bowers, Manish Kumar Anand, Juliana Freire
2007 IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin  
The automated tracking and storage of provenance information promises to be a major advantage of scientific workflow systems. We discuss issues related to data and workflow provenance, and present techniques for focusing user attention on meaningful provenance through "user views," for managing the provenance of nested scientific data, and for using information about the evolution of a workflow specification to understand the difference in the provenance of similar data products.
dblp:journals/debu/DavidsonBELMBAF07 fatcat:e5bewbzjy5gpfmwmeryhrldmx4