The Mining Administration of the Urals in the Post-Petrine Era: New Data

Alevtina Safronova
2021 Quaestio Rossica  
The history of Ural districts, with their constituent slobodas inhabited by thousands of peasants assigned to factories, and the study of the heads of such districts are an important topic. Without a special focus on these issues, it is impossible to reveal the peculiarities of territorial and economic management in the mining territories. The document in question in this article, which has never been examined before, was compiled by the Chancellery of the Main Directorate of the Siberian and
more » ... zan Plants at the request of the imperial authorities, which were interested in obtaining data on district managers, their tenure, their subsequent appointments, and their successors. Based on this programme, a register was compiled reflecting the history of the districts and the bureaucracy that ruled them from 1724 to 1739. The register also reflects the composition of the heads of the Yekaterinburg office of judicial and zemstvo affairs, the Perm zemstvo office, and factory bodies, which had their own subordinate territories that were not part of the districts. The register testifies to a frequent change of district heads and their recall to manage factory and mining affairs. It also reflects their varied social composition: noblemen, peasant sotniks and clerks, military servicemen, and exiles. The document is a valuable source of information that will lay the foundations for further research on the life of Ural bureaucracy.
doi:10.15826/qr.2021.4.644 fatcat:qmegdha2indvbczvnata7lhen4