Effects of Argatroban on Patients with Lumbar Canal Stenosis. Sustainable Effects
腰部脊柱管狭窄症に対するアルガトロバン(ノバスタン注)の効果 効果の持続性について

Noburo Hashimoto, Kazutoshi Nomura, Mako Hirano, Tetsuya Fukumoto, Shinichi Urata
1999 Orthopedics & Traumatology  
The purpose of this study is to estimate the effects of the drip infusion therapy with argatroban and its sustenance. 14 patients who had failed conservative treatment were administered argatroban (20mg/day) for 2 weeks. 12 patients showed someimprovements in their symptoms following this treatment. No patients worsened. The mean JOA score significantly improved from 12.9 points to 19.4 points. Most subjective symptoms showed significant improvement, but not objective symptoms. 5 patients had
more » ... ntinuous improvements for more than a mean of 17.8 months, but 4 patientsshowed recurrence after a mean followup of 3.7 months. These results suggest that drip infusion therapy with argatroban is recommended for lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
doi:10.5035/nishiseisai.48.394 fatcat:g2yh6nkuovgqrlgvflwrfxq6lu