P4.20 Factors associated with opting in for clinic-based syphilis testing among transgender women in jamaica

Carmen Logie, Kathleen Kenny, Peter A Newman, Kandasi Levermore, Nicolette Jones, Ava Neil, Tyrone Ellis, Annecka Marshall
2017 Behavioural and Social Science Research   unpublished
4.46), and inconsistent condom use (OR: 2.23; 95% CI: 1.05, 4.75). Conclusion MSM in Jamaica report high prevalence of STI and HIV. STI testing rates are suboptimal and associated with complex multi-level (socio-demographic, relationship, community) factors. Lifetime history of STI was associated with HIV co-infection, structural factors (unemployment), and sexual practices (inconsistent condom use). Results can inform multilevel STI prevention and care programs tailored for MSM in Jamaica.
doi:10.1136/sextrans-2017-053264.517 fatcat:rugj2ywnhrcv5edmpy5dsmnsly