对经济合作组织的实际有效汇率、国际收支 与经济增长的区域经济一体化验证

雅轩 江, 祎宁 周
2022 商业创新期刊  
In the context of economic globalization, the economic interaction and contact among countries in the world become increasingly close, and the global economy and world market are increasingly integrated. International economic integration can be divided into multilateral integration and regional integration. The balance of payments of a country will have important influence to the interest rate, exchange rate, trade, finance and foreign investment, and foreign exchange management. The balance
more » ... payments also become an important index for the analysis of the regional economic situation to better formulate corresponding economic policy. Based on the multiple regression model, this paper theoretical analyzes four of the economic alliance models. The stationarity test, Granger causality test and Johansen co-integration test are used to study the interaction between variables through impulse response analysis. The empirical results show that FDI, CPI, GDP and IM have a great impact on BOP, and can play a certain role in the adjustment of the
doi:10.52288/jbi.26636204.2022.01.01 fatcat:ua7xprbibfeqfobfbdrhnmvh54