The influence of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation on the level of thyroid hormones in chickens
Вплив низькочастотного електромагнітного випромінювання на рівень гормонів щитовидної залози курей

S. B. Prosyanуi, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, V. V. Horiuk, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
Prosyanуi, S. B., & Horiuk, V. V. (2020). The influence of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation on the level of thyroid hormones in chickens. Veterinary Science, Technologies of Animal Husbandry and Nature Management, 5, 132-137. It is a proven fact that electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high frequencies (EMR UHF) affects the fundamental processes of life of living organisms. However, the problem of the influence of long-term irradiation with an alternating pulsed electromagnetic field of
more » ... tra-low frequency (APEMF ULF) on the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones is currently insufficiently studied. The aim of the work is to investigate the influence of the alternating pulsed electromagnetic field of ultra-low frequency on the indicators of thyroid hormones in the body of experimental chickens of the Dominant D959 cross. For this purpose, four test and control groups of 120-day-old chickens were formed -20 heads of Dominant D959 cross poultry each. The poultries were kept in a specially equipped room with an alternating pulsed electromagnetic field of ultra-low frequency. The content of hormones in the blood serum of chickens was determined by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis with the help of standard methods. According to the results of research, it was determined that the level of thyroid hormones in the body of chickens can be influenced by selection of different modes and duration of action of APEMF ULF. Thus, on the 80th day of irradiation, regardless of the used modes of exposure to APEMF ULF and protein levels in the diet, we found some stimulation of the deiodination of thyroxine and its transition to the active form of triiodothyronine, which can affect metabolic activation and productivity in chickens of the Dominant D959 cross. This process was especially active in case of irradiation of the chickens with APEMF ULF for one hour a day with an interval of one week, and feeding was carried out according to the basic diet with a 15% increase of protein content. Irradiation of APEMF ULF during 5-month period showed a tendency to decrease the functional activity of the thyroid gland of chickens, which was manifested by a decrease in thyroxine levels in blood, especially in case of protein deficiency in the diet.
doi:10.31890/vttp.2020.05.24 fatcat:bjx52cnmjvbazdyrc26ijk42ym