Light Field Inpainting Propagation via Low Rank Matrix Completion

Mikael Le Pendu, Xiaoran Jiang, Christine Guillemot
2018 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
Building up on the advances in low rank matrix completion, this article presents a novel method for propagating the inpainting of the central view of a light field to all the other views. After generating a set of warped versions of the inpainted central view with random homographies, both the original light field views and the warped ones are vectorized and concatenated into a matrix. Because of the redundancy between the views, the matrix satisfies a low rank assumption enabling us to fill
more » ... region to inpaint with low rank matrix completion. To this end, a new matrix completion algorithm, better suited to the inpainting application than existing methods, is also developed in this paper. In its simple form, our method does not require any depth prior, unlike most existing light field inpainting algorithms. The method has then been extended to better handle the case where the area to inpaint contains depth discontinuities. In this case, a segmentation map of the different depth layers of the inpainted central view is required. This information is used to warp the depth layers with different homographies. Our experiments with natural light fields captured with plenoptic cameras demonstrate the robustness of the low rank approach to noisy data as well as large color and illumination variations between the views of the light field.
doi:10.1109/tip.2018.2791864 pmid:29994170 fatcat:og6i3fishre7zfvu7m544msnsy