Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Presenting as IgA Nephropathy with Nephrotic Range Proteinuria

Tajamul H. Shah, Ajaz N. Koul, Sonaullah Shah, Umar H. Khan, Parvaiz A. Koul, Fayaz A. Sofi, Mufti S., Rafi Ahmed Jan
2013 Open Journal of Nephrology  
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome (IHES) is a disorder characterized by increased eosinophil count (eosinophilia) along with organ dysfunction secondary to organ infiltration of eosinophils and release of inflammatory markers [1-4], with no obvious cause for eosinophilia. The onset of symptoms is insidious in most of the cases and eosinophilia is detected incidentally. However, in others, the initial manifestations are severe and life-threatening due to the rapid evolution of cardiac or
more » ... ologic complications [5]. Renal involvement is rarely reported [6] in IHES. Herein we reported a case of IHES with predominant renal involvement as nephrotic syndrome with focal necrotizing IgA nephropathy.
doi:10.4236/ojneph.2013.32017 fatcat:dleu3ln6pnbajj23kkkspwvciu