The Physician's Role in Treating Addiction as a Diagnosable and Treatable Illness

Dewayne Book
2009 North Carolina Medical Journal  
ike millions of others, I watched with intense interest the pre-election news coverage, including the accusations regarding ACORN. I was particularly struck by the implications that ACORN had hired "homeless people, convicted felons, recovering alcoholics, and drug addicts-people who will do anything for money," at least according to CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX news. Imagine the scandal if ACORN had stooped so low as to hire people with diabetes or asthma. It was quite sobering to realize how
more » ... ch education there is left to do for the general public regarding addictive diseases. Unfortunately, that same ignorance exists in the medical profession as well.
doi:10.18043/ncm.70.1.72 fatcat:oumyeplgr5fqvncsecvhszfyh4