Experimental verification of coplanar-to-substrate-integrated-waveguide interconnect on low-permittivity substrate

Farzaneh Taringou, Jens Bornemann, Ke Wu
2013 2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC)  
An interconnect between coplanar waveguide (CPW) and substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) is designed and experimentally verified. Common to regular SIW circuits is a low-permittivity substrate, whereas design formulas CPW usually assume a high permittivity. Therefore, commercially available field solvers are used in a parametric study to optimize the interconnect over a wide bandwidth between 18 GHz and 28 GHz. Cross-sectional field plots demonstrate its basic operation. The individual
more » ... nect achieves return and insertion losses better than 20 dB and 0.5 dB, respectively, over the entire frequency range. The respective values for a measured back-toback transition are 17 dB and 1.45 dB which are in good agreement with simulations. Index Terms -Integrated circuit interconnections, integrated circuit measurements, dielectric substrates, wideband.
doi:10.1109/apmc.2013.6695205 fatcat:mfgwzju27vc2dcic2gw2ypouae