More words but still no lexicon: Reply to Besner et al. (1990)

Mark S. Seidenberg, James L. McClelland
1990 Psychological review  
The major points in the Besner, Twilley, McCann, and Seergobin (1990) critique of the Seidenberg and McClelland (1989) model are addressed. The model's performance differs from that of people in ways that are predictable from an understanding of the limitations of the implementation. The principal limitations are the size of the training corpus and the phonological representation. The issue of pseudohomophone effects is discussed, and Besner et al.'s new data are shown to be consistent with the
more » ... Seidenberg and McClelland account of lexical decision.
doi:10.1037//0033-295x.97.3.447 fatcat:uzjo7yrpvzbrxouc5kidpqlhlq