Corporate-, Product-, and User-Image Dimensions and Purchase Intentions —The Mediating Role of Cognitive and Affective Attitudes

Xian Guo Li, Xia Wang, Yu Juan Cai
2011 Journal of Computers  
This study investigates the effects of corporate-, product-and user image dimensions on purchase intentions, with cognitive and affective attitudes as mediator. A questionnaire survey was conducted with convenience sample. The results demonstrate significant effects of three brand image dimensions on purchase intention. In addition, the cognitive and affective attitudes fully or partially account for the relationship. This study contributes to the understanding of the assessment of the
more » ... hip between brand image dimensions and purchasing behavior. Implications for brand management are also discussed.
doi:10.4304/jcp.6.9.1875-1879 fatcat:mofjkp5l25gypdxtvsxpxjimmi