Predicate-Argument Structure-based Preordering for Japanese-English Statistical Machine Translation of Scientific Papers

Kenichi Ohwada, Ryosuke Miyazaki, Mamoru Komachi
2014 Workshop on Asian Translation  
Translating Japanese to English is difficult because they belong to different language families. Naïve phrase-based statistical machine translation (SMT) often fails to address syntactic difference between Japanese and English. Preordering methods are one of the simple but effective approaches that can model reordering in a long distance, which is crucial in translating Japanese and English. Thus, we apply a predicate-argument structure-based preordering method to the Japanese-English
more » ... l machine translation task of scientific papers. Our method is based on the method described in (Hoshino et al., 2013) , and extends their rules to handle abbreviation and passivization frequently found in scientific papers. Experimental results show that our proposed method improves performance of both (Hoshino et al., 2013)'s system and our phrase-based SMT baseline without preordering.
dblp:conf/aclwat/OhwadaMK14 fatcat:w5fifcjo5vbifhipeg3rrkk6wy