SOPTI Meeting Abstracts 2022

Assunta Di Vizio, Alberto Recchioni
2022 Scandinavian Journal of Optometry and Visual Science  
The 27th National Conference of the Italian Optometric Association (SOPTI) was held in Bologna on May 29-30, 2022. This year the conference title was "Technical procedures for good clinical practice in Optometry" and was arranged in 3 sessions: presbyopia management, contact lenses and paediatric optometry. Two keynote speakers were invited during the conference: Dr Shehzad Naroo (Reader at Aston University, UK) and Dr Mohammed Jalie (Past head of the Applied Optics department at the City & Islington College and current visiting lecturer at
doi:10.5384/sjovs.v15i1.157 fatcat:krld77ahcbhcrpc2qjmehtizxa