The Symmetry of Fatigue of Lower Limb Muscles in 400 m Run Based on Electromyography Signals

Dagmara Iwańska, Piotr Tabor, Olga Grabowska, Andrzej Mastalerz
2021 Symmetry  
This study assesses curved track effects on fatigue symmetry and lower limb muscle activity while taking maximum velocity running kinematics into account. Methods: Polish master class athletes were examined (age 24.6 ± 3.67 years, bm 78.9 ± 6.02 kg, and bh 186.1 ± 6.63 cm). The measurements were made on a 400 m synthetic surface athletics track. The DelSys 16 channel system was employed to measure the activity of the right and left leg muscles. The kinematic variables of the run were obtained
more » ... ing a 3-axis accelerometer built into the recorder. Results: The study revealed curved track effects on asymmetric muscle activity and running kinematics in the first two sections of the run. On the first curve, the symmetry index (SI) was 8.1%, while in on straight, it was 11.5%. Moreover, significantly lower values of the fatigue index b were found for the right limb (F(3.36) = 6.504; p = 0.0152). Conclusions: A reduction of asymmetric muscle activity is linked with compensatory muscle stimulation triggered by the nervous system and with adjusting running kinematics to changing external conditions. Therefore, the main focus further research should be on the optimal interaction between stride length and frequency in relation to the muscle activity corresponding to the track geometry.
doi:10.3390/sym13091698 fatcat:ufnxjoipnbgnpixacwjygxw6em